Auction results for John Deere B Tractors
The current average selling price of our non-auction John Deere B listings is $3,916 USD, with a high price of $5,500 USD and a low price of $2,500 USD
John Deere B Tractors listed from most recent to oldest auction sale.
You can see a complete listing of John Deere Tractors for sale and auction by clicking here.
Auction Date | Model Name | Price | Auction Location | |
2022-05-23 | John Deere B | $800.00 USD | ONLINE | Full listing description |
2019-10-23 | 0 John Deere B | $1,485.00 USD | COON RAPIDS, MN | Full listing description |
2019-08-28 | 0 John Deere B | $770.00 USD | BELLE PLAINE, IA | Full listing description |
2019-06-12 | 1950 John Deere B | $798.00 USD | MANHATTAN, KS | Full listing description |
2017-10-18 | 1945 John Deere B | $1,265.00 USD | ORRICK, MO | Full listing description |
2017-08-09 | 0 John Deere B | $660.00 USD | GUTHRIE CENTER, IA | Full listing description |
2017-06-14 | 1947 John Deere B | $1,320.00 USD | CHAPMAN, KS | Full listing description |
2017-05-17 | 1949 John Deere B | $990.00 USD | TOPEKA, KS | Full listing description |
2017-03-08 | 0 John Deere B | $253.00 USD | PRINCETON, KS | Full listing description |
2015-09-14 | John Deere B | $1,500.00 USD | ONLINE | Full listing description |