Construction Equipment Guide
470 Maryland Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
Megan Wild - Mon January 23, 2017
Differences Between Certified Used & Used Equipment
Some builders are under the false impression that used equipment is somehow subpar compared to brand-new machinery. They'll cite any number of issues, including previous use and abuse, the lack of any warranties or guarantees and the high possibility for future breakdowns....
Lavanya Rathnam - Mon January 23, 2017
Should The Construction Industry Partner With Cloud Companies
If you're wondering what the construction industry has to do with technology in general and the cloud in particular, let's step back into the 1990s for a few moments. In 1989, the first Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software with 3D modeling was introduced on Silicon graphics workstation by a company called T-Flex....
Jeff Winke - Tue January 17, 2017
No Electronics or Batteries Required: JohnnyBall Overview
Low-tech or no-tech options are not always bad. Technology is complex and sometimes can complicate things. Simplicity rules, especially when technology falters or fails… and you start yearning for the old days when rotary-dial phones, crank-open car windows, and manual push design rotary-blade lawnmowers were considered the epitome of mechanical technology....
Giles Lambertson - Thu January 12, 2017
Public Sector Managers Need Telematics, Too
Public sector managers that are responsible for a fleet of vehicles or equipment should be using the “Internet of Things” to manage the machines and their operators. This conclusion is indisputable....
Jeff Winke - Thu January 12, 2017
Cold weather can be dangerous to work in. I know that what someone considers cold can differ where they live. Cold in Grand Forks, North Dakota or Fairbanks, Alaska is different than Key West, Florida....
Jeff Winke - Tue January 10, 2017
Ultimate Contractor Safety Plan
There's probably a handful of golden rules out there that if everyone followed, life would be simpler and more pleasant. Chief among them is Do to Others as You Would Have Them Do to You. I'd include a Happy Spouse is a Happy Life and the super critical Feed the Dog or Cat First in the Morning (there's nothing more painfully uncomfortable than a pet's dramatic antics first thing in the morning when they act like they haven't had food for months)....
Kim Slowey - Tue January 10, 2017
High Tech Equipment and Tool Tracking
There are only a few things more frustrating than losing track of a tool you need for a crucial task or discovering at the end of the day that some piece of equipment has "grown legs" and walked away. However, cumbersome Excel spreadsheets and jobsite pen-and-paper lists can make a missing grinder or power drill seem like the preferable option to filling out a stack of forms or entering endless data into a computer....
Kevin Hill - Mon January 09, 2017
Scales and Weighing Systems in Construction Industry
The construction industry is one of the most dynamic environments to operate in. It throws peculiar challenges especially when it comes to measurement and weighing systems. These systems are an important facet of the industry because they affect the productivity and the profits of the business, the most....
Giles Lambertson - Thu December 15, 2016
BLOG: Tillerson at State Department Bodes Well for Builders
In nominating Rex Tillerson as secretary of state, Donald Trump continues to challenge conventional thinking. Construction and energy companies should be happy he does. Tillerson is a businessman rather than a long-time public servant, as most State Department secretaries have been....
Todd Imming - Mon December 12, 2016
BLOG: Advantages of 5D Macro BIM
You need five dimensions to tell the whole storyHow 5D Macro BIM saves time and money in pre-construction and early designThe back of a napkin may be a famous medium for getting an idea off the ground, but when it comes to early design and pre-construction on multi-million dollar projects, it just doesn't cut it....
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Construction Equipment Guide
470 Maryland Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
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