Machine description: <P><STRONG>Articulated Tandem Roller with Two Vibratory Drums </STRONG></P><br><UL><br><LI>Ergonomic driver seat with two multifunction drive levers <... more info about the 2012 Hamm HD+ 140 VV.
Machine description: Enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning. 84" smooth drum. Vibratory and water system, scraper bars and work lights.... more info about the 2022 Hamm H11i.
Machine description: Unused Hamm HD12VV!! 47" drums, folding ROPS, work lights, center lift ring, dual controls, pressurized water system.... more info about the 2023 Hamm HD12VV.
Machine description: 47" drums, folding ROPS, work lights, center lift ring, dual controls, pressurized water system.... more info about the 2021 Hamm HD12VV.
Machine description: 47" drums, folding ROPS, work lights, center lift ring, dual controls, pressurized water system.... more info about the 2021 Hamm HD12VV.
Machine description: 47" drums, folding ROPS, work lights, center lift ring, dual controls, pressurized water system.... more info about the 2017 Hamm HD12VV.
Machine description: 84" dirt roller. Full cab. 28,400lbs operating weight. Deutz TCD 4.1 L4 diesel engine. 56,000/37,350 centrifugal force with vibrations on.... more info about the 2020 Hamm H13i.