2000 International 9200i semi truckMiles: 694,332 on odometerVIN: 2HSCEAMR3YC061920EngineDetroit DieselDisplacement: 12.7LCylinders: 6Fuel type: DieselTransmissionEaton fullerManualSpeed: 10ChassisAxles: TandemSuspension: AirDump valvesBrakes: AirGVWR: 52,000 lbsFAWR: 12,000 lbsIAWR: 20,000 lbsRAWR: 2,000 lbsInteriorAC, HeatCruise controlSleeperSleeper length: 36"Beds: SingleRear climate controlFeaturesFifth wheel type: FixedFuel tank: DualTiresSize: 295/75R22.5NotesDash warning indicator: Check engine, low oil pressureOklahoma titleSeller is a licensed motor vehicle dealer. The buyer may be required to pay sales tax and/or registration fees to the dealer prior to taking possession. Title will be assigned and distributed by the deal