Machine description: International 6 Cylinder Engine, Automated Transmission, 14000 lb Front Axle, 46000 lb Rears, 60000 lb GVWR, Air Ride Cab, 11R22.5, Hendrickson Air Ride Suspension, 261 in Wheelbase, 24 ft x 102 in Wi... more info about the 2005 International 7500 6X4.
Machine description: Navistar N9 9.3 L Diesel Engine, Requires Diesel Exhaust Fluid, 8332 Engine hrs, Allison Automatic Transmission, 12000 lb Front Axle, 40000 lb Rears, 52000 lb GVWR, Air Ride Cab, 11R22.5, Spring Suspe... more info about the 2017 International 4400.
Machine description: Cummins B6.7 220 6 Cylinder 6.7 L Diesel Engine, 2019 US EPA Label, Requires Diesel Exhaust Fluid, Automatic Transmission, 12000 lb Front Axle, 20000 lb Rears, 25999 lb GVWR, 11R22.5, Air Ride Suspens... more info about the 2020 International MV607.