Machine description: #0118 - 72" NEW SEC ROOT RAKE HITACHI EX330, $6,999.00, New 72” SEC Root Rake. 100mm pin diameter, 425mm width between ears and 23” pin center top pin center., Fits: Hitachi EX300, EX370, ZX3... more info about the SEC 72" NEW SEC ROOT RAKE HITACHI EX330.
Machine description: New 72” SEC Root Rake. 110T / 100B mm pin diameter, 448mm width between ears and 23” pin center top pin center. Fits: Cat 345CL... more info about the SEC 72" NEW SEC ROOT RAKE.
Machine description: #0409 60" NEW SEC ROOT RAKE FITS: KOMATSU PC150, PC160, CAT 315 - REGULAR PRICE $5,773.95 CASH OR WIRE TRANSFER PRICE IS, $5,499.00, Takes 70mm pins. Has 314mm between the ears, and 16” pin cen... more info about the SEC PC150.