Machine description: 2009 Sterling Acterra refuse truckMiles: 75,255 on odometerHours: 11,664 on meterVIN: 2FZACGBSX9AAE3718EngineCumminsDisplacement: 8.3LCylinders: 6Fuel type: DieselTransmissionAllisonAutomaticChassisAx... more info about the 2009 Sterling Acterra.
Machine description: Mercedes-Benz OM 906 LA 6 Cylinder 6.3 L Diesel 300 hp Engine, 2003 US EPA Label, 20667 Engine hrs, Allison 2000 Automatic Transmission, 10000 lb Front Axle, Meritor RS-17-144 Drive Axles, 5.29:1 Axle... more info about the 2004 Sterling ACTERRA.