Machine description: 116HP PERKINS | 33,420LBS OPERATING WEIGHT | RUBBER PADS ON TRACKS | DOZER BLADE | AUX HYD | 9'10" ARM | 28'9" DIG REACH | 19'8" DIG DEPTH |... more info about the 2023 Hyundai HX145A LCR.
Machine description: HX145A LCRD 48,000 LB HYD EXC, Balance of 3yr / 3000 Hour Full Warranty,, 2 Pump Flow for Aux Hyds. for attachments requiring Hi flow (ie. mulching head), Great Financing Available - Rate does not inc... more info about the 2022 Hyundai HX145A LCR.
Machine description: ZERO SALES TAX FOR OUT OF STATE SALES! ZERO DEALERSHIP FEES! ZERO NONSENSE! ULTRA LOW RATE IN HOUSE FINANCING FOR BUSINESS AND INDIVIDUALS!, Enclosed Cab / Heat, A/C, Radio & USB Player! 2" Seat ... more info about the 2023 Hyundai HX145A LCR.
Machine description: Cab. Heat. AC. 20" roadliner tracks. Rear view camera. Air suspension heated seat. pattern changer. 36" bucket. Hyd pin grabber coupler. Hyd thumb.... more info about the 2023 Hyundai HX145A LCR.
Machine description: Powered by a Cummins F3.8 Stage 5/Tier 4 Final diesel engine, the HX145A LCR complies with the international Stage 5 emissions control standard., New features like visibility and handle improvement, a... more info about the Hyundai HX145A LCR.