Machine description: 10 ROW BIG DRUM HEAD, NICE HEAD, Mechanical Condition: VERY GOOD, Adapter: NH FP ADAPTER, NumRows: OTHER, Contour: N/A, HydraulicHookup: SINGLE POINT, ChoppingCapability: ROTORY-KNIFE, DeckPlates: N/A... more info about the 2015 New Holland 750BFI.
Machine description: 2013 Case-IH 3408-30 Corn Head, 540 PTO, Flagship Faceplate, Single Point HYd and Electrical, Hyd Deck Plates, Poly Snouts, P{oint to Point Knife Rolls, Mechanical Condition: GOOD, ChoppingCapability:... more info about the 2013 Case Ih 3408.
Machine description: Clean Head, New sickle in 2023, always shedded, routine maintenace every fall., Mechanical Condition: GOOD, Contour: N/A, TelescopingDrive: N/A... more info about the 2013 Case Ih 3020.
Machine description: CIH 3020, 2011 MODEL, 35 FT, Came off a 6088 Combine, 540 PTO Driveline, Mechanical Condition: GOOD, Hours: 1, Contour: N/A, TelescopingDrive: N/A... more info about the 2011 Case Ih 3020.
Machine description: Mechanical Condition: GOOD, ChoppingCapability: NO, DeckPlates: HYD. DECK PLATE, SnoutType: PLASTIC SNOUT, HydraulicHookup: YES, NumSplitRows: 6R30... more info about the 2010 Case Ih 3206.
Machine description: 3208 CONVERTED TO 3408 W/SINGLE POINT HOOK UP, CURRENTLY ON 6088 Combine, 1400 ACRES ON CHAINS & SPROCKETS, FIELD TRACKER,, Mechanical Condition: GOOD, Adapter: MIDRANGE OR FLAGSHIP, ChoppingCapabilit... more info about the 2013 Case Ih 3208.
Machine description: CASE IH 3206 CORN HEAD, FIELD TRACKER, AUTO HEADER HEIGHT, LOCAL FARMER OWNED, AVAILABLE NOW!, Mechanical Condition: GOOD, ChoppingCapability: N/A, DeckPlates: HYD. DECK PLATE, SnoutType: PLASTIC SNOU... more info about the 2009 Case Ih 3206.
Machine description: Mechanical Condition: GOOD, ChoppingCapability: ROTORY-KNIFE, DeckPlates: HYD. DECK PLATE, SnoutType: PLASTIC SNOUT, AutoRowSensor: N/A, NumSplitRows: 12R30... more info about the 2011 Case Ih 2612.
Machine description: NEW STALK ROLLS ON MOST ROWS, NEW SEALS IN GEAR BOXES, END ROW AUGERS, Mechanical Condition: VERY GOOD, ChoppingCapability: ROTO-DISK, DeckPlates: HYD. DECK PLATE, SnoutType: PLASTIC SNOUT, HydraulicH... more info about the 2011 Geringhoff RD836.
Machine description: AHHC, End Row Augers, Mechanical Condition: GOOD, ChoppingCapability: ROTORY-KNIFE, DeckPlates: HYD. DECK PLATE, SnoutType: PLASTIC SNOUT, AutoRowSensor: N/A, NumSplitRows: 8R30... more info about the 2010 Case Ih 2608.
Machine description: good older head, average condition,poly is good,540 PTO shafts, Mechanical Condition: GOOD, ChoppingCapability: NO, DeckPlates: HYD. DECK PLATE, SnoutType: PLASTIC SNOUT, HydraulicHookup: YES, NumSpli... more info about the 2008 Case Ih 3412.
Machine description: CASE IH 3408 CORN HEAD, FLAGSHIP HOOKUP, 540 PTO SHAFTS, AVAILABLE NOW!, Mechanical Condition: GOOD, Adapter: FLAGSHIP - 540 PTO, ChoppingCapability: NO, DeckPlates: HYD. DECK PLATE, SnoutType: PLASTI... more info about the 2009 Case Ih 3408.
Machine description: CASE IH 3206 CORN HEAD, FIELD TRACKER, AUTO HEADER HEIGHT, GOOD KNIVES, WAS ON A 6088 Combine, AVAILABLE NOW!, Mechanical Condition: GOOD, ChoppingCapability: NO, DeckPlates: HYD. DECK PLATE, SnoutTyp... more info about the 2012 Case Ih 3206.
Machine description: CASE IH 3408 CORN HEAD, FIELD TRACKER, 540 PTO,, Mechanical Condition: FAIR, ChoppingCapability: N/A, DeckPlates: HYD. DECK PLATE, SnoutType: PLASTIC SNOUT, AutoRowSensor: N/A, HydraulicHookup: YES, N... more info about the 2013 Case Ih 3408.
Machine description: CASE IH 3208 CORN HEAD, FIELD TRACKER, HYDRAULIC DECK PLATES, WAS ON A 2377 Combine, HAS 540 PTO SHAFTS, Mechanical Condition: GOOD, Adapter: CIH LEGACY - 540 PTO, ChoppingCapability: NO, DeckPlates: ... more info about the 2012 Case Ih 3208.