Machine description: 24 Row 22" plaanter, eset meters, Hydraulic Drive, Mechanical Condition: GOOD, Insecticide: N/A, NumSplitRows: 24R22... more info about the 2001 John Deere 1780.
Machine description: 12/23 Split Row Planter, Spring Downpressure, Mechanical Drive, Comes with Corn and Bean Plates, Comes with Fold Box & Computer-Trak 250 Monitor, 3-bu Hoppers, Available on Lot, Mechanical Condition: ... more info about the John Deere 1780.
Machine description: Mechanical Condition: FAIR, Insecticide: N/A, NoTill: N/A, NumRows: 12R23, RowSpacing: 12R23... more info about the John Deere 1780.